Module 4 Elearning Trends

Duration: 5 – 7 mins
Structure: Short Micro Elearning module which introduces 5 Elearning Trends, supplemented with extra reading resources.

What is ELearning?

Elearning is electronic learning which includes the use of electronic media, typically on the Internet to deliver part, or all of a course whether it’s in a school, part of your mandatory business training or a distance learning course.


1: Responsive Elearning
2: Video Based Elearning
3: Micro Elearning
4: Game Based Elearning
5: Social ELearning

Why take this Module?

  • Learn about 5 key Elearning trends, how and why you should use them
  • Microlearning at its best – video is 70 seconds long!
  • Video based learning – fun and engaging
  • Form an opinion about Moovly and determine its worth as an educational tool

Video Creation Tool: Moovly

3 reasons why we love Moovly

  1. Fantastic video and animation creation tool – very easy to use if you are any way familiar with video creation tools
  2. Huge range of customisation and animation options – you just need to be creative!
  3. You can save and download completed video, many other free tools won’t allow you to do this